Current Series: Patterns of Jesus

This four-part series challenges us to follow the patterns of Jesus. To do so, we must learn to adopt the spiritual disciplines Jesus practiced; Prayer, Worship, Solitude, and Community.

Weekly Sermon Notes

June 30, 2024

Scripture: Psalm 145:18 (Various)

Prayer was integral to Jesus’ life and ministry, serving as a conduit for communication with the Father. Prayer was also a source of strength and guidance, and a practice Jesus encouraged and exemplified for His followers.

Why was prayer so important to Jesus?

  • He valued personal communion with the Father
    • Luke 5:16
  • He sought guidance and strength from the Father
    • Luke 6:12-13
    • Isaiah 55:8-9
  • He modeled prayer for His disciples
    • Matthew 6:9-13
  • It expressed His dependence on the Father
    • John 11:41-42
  • Prayer revealed His surrender to the Father’s will
    • Matthew 26:39
  • It was His way of interceding for others
    • John 17


Is prayer a pattern you’ve incorporated into your life? Or do you pray only in your time of need?

May prayer be an integral part of your life!

401 W. Upshur Ave. Gladewater, TX 75647

PO Box 727 Gladewater, TX 75647

(903) 845-4425